daily ration

美 [ˈdeɪli ˈræʃn]英 [ˈdeɪli ˈræʃn]
  • n.每日定量配给;日食量;每日粮
daily rationdaily ration
  1. As part of the diet , allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar .


  2. Under this daily ration restricted , protein restricted group and both protein and energy restricted group had significant effect on the internal environment and bacteria of rumen in lambs .


  3. Daily ration of female and male crawfish fed with alligator weed was 1.28 ± 0.04 % , 0.74 ± 0.03 % respectively ;


  4. The three fishes ' feeding rhythm in cage and their rate of digestion indoor were looked into , and their daily ration was estimated through the method of daily average fullness index .


  5. In a time when many started the day with heaping platters of meat and potatoes , he ate a daily ration of dry , crumbled whole wheat biscuits : the original Graham crackers .


  6. Daily ration of apple snails with 1.06 ± 0.09g/per snail fed with alligator weed and Pistia stratiotes was 17.37 ± 0.73 % , 22.30 ± 0.84 % respectively ;


  7. The physiological features of weaned piglets in their digestion , main causes of diarrhea of early-weaned piglets and nutritional manipulation measures and daily grain ration technology for piglets according to actually weaning days and weights of piglets are presented in this paper .


  8. Aurea , the daily rate of food consumption is about 3.2 % ; the rate of digestion is about 66 h ; the daily ration is about 2.3 % .
